Masterson Does the Math

Two more strips of our current location and we then get back to Flick. This whole visit has lasted about 5 strips longer than I anticipated. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to miss Flick.

Guest Stripping X-Mas over at Brock Heasley's Superfogeys is now running. You can catch my Guest strip here as Brock was kind enough to post it back on Monday. I will also be adding to this guest strip as soon as I can get to drawing it. The idea for the strip grew into something larger, but only submitted a single strip version for simplication, but as Brock usually does he's alway interested in other people perspective on his SF world and is more than interested in finding out what I origininally had planned. So look for that the next couple of weeks!

Have a fun and safe New years eve,

posted by Don Oskowski @ 11:13 AM, ,

Conduit Flux will be back on the 31st!

Due to holiday busy-ness I will not have an update till the 31st. Enjoy the holiday and I'll see you on New Years Eve.

posted by Don Oskowski @ 12:52 PM, ,

For He Who Controls Time; Controls Who Lives or Dies

Who is "He"? That's what I want to know. I really dreaded getting back to "Neither here or there". In hindsight I really dislike the unimaginative setting I created here. Perhaps I'll go back and change it eventually.

posted by Don Oskowski @ 10:25 PM, ,

Mister Tamin

When I was creating Conduit Flux the character Mr. Tamin came from just a simple doodle for a "Men in Black" kind of character. Now if you refer to Episode 4, where Mr. Tamin makes his first appearance as the head of M12. Now if you're a long time reader, you may notice I took some liberties and went back and changed Mr. Tamin's physical appearance and instead of being the head of "The Agency", he is now head of M12, which we all know now is Majestic 12. Had to do as the story changed and developed. I also needed to make Mr. Tamin look a bit older in Ep 4, tp reflect Masterson's observation in Ep 35.

Now Mr. Tamin was always suppose to have a larger role, but that role changed recently of which I can not speak of. :) As his aging and ability to be at this crash landing of The Traveler is more than just coincidental.

Episode 35 is for the absence of this past Thursday. I do expect to have another up by Thursday. This current story line should be getting tied up real soon so we can get back to Flick and also find out what Lord Phirantus is up to, too.


posted by Don Oskowski @ 9:13 PM, ,

All Will Be Revealed

Over at Brock heasley's SuperFogeys, there is now a teaser poster that provides a prelude of things to come in 2010 for SF. Here is in all it's glory. And if you haven't checked out Sf yet. What. Are. You. Waiting. For?

posted by Don Oskowski @ 1:20 PM, ,

Don Oskowski

Don lives in New Hampshire and is the creator of Conduit Flux. You can either contact him at or

In 1948, twenty-one years before man landed on the moon, the United States secretly reached the stars and beyond. After opening a conduit to another galaxy, Captain Lucas Masterson finds himself in an unknown galaxy in the future. After the conduit unexpectly collapses, Masterson must now find a new way home.

Conduit Flux: By Don Oskowski

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